jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

“Midwives is a woman's work”

War of gender is a topic of competition since ancient, starting for the macho culture, in phrases as "women the weaker sex", “Women should stay home and care for children”, and most important of this publication, “Midwives is a woman's work”. Today we are a society where jobs are for men and women equally. In my career of midwife are more men who decide to study this. I think that the benefits for a man to be a midwife are many because women who will consult, believe that they are Doctor, so that women would feel more confident. This the statistics show “women prefer to men to be server, specially in Gynecology area”. Gender only not affected to Midwifery, other example is the case of Nursing that as Midwifery, are career formed by women in most. But I think that the key to improving this rivalry is to accept that our colleagues have the same desire to help that we, is the health of people, is not a game, this is a really important.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Valeria Feña!!! this paragraph is very interesting, in special the phrases! -> "Macho culture"
    I read and check your ortography, but is excelent! according to me! xD
    In my opinion, the men and women have same opportunitys.
    see you!!! kiss!!

  2. Hi Valeria!!

    In this occasion I want give you a suggestion in this sentence: “...because women who will consult believe that they are doctor...”
    I read and I don’t understand first of all, although I think that is better say: “Because women prefer them” or “Because women that consult a men …”

    I hope that you check my suggestion.

    See you soon!! Bye
