jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Vegetarianism :)

Hi! Once more I’m writing in my blog topics that are common interest, today I want to comment a lifestyle that I decided to take, I stop eating meat and start to be vegetarian.

For many a vegetarian is practically stupid, because society has determined certain eating habits, but for me is not simply a food issue.

Three years ago to stop eating any kind of meat, because allowed me to fish consumption. The most important reason that motivated me, is the love to animals, my mind never knew as we are able of eating beings with that established affective ties, the question is we raised a rabbit to take to the table? Possibly one of you think that I exaggerating, but my thought does not believe in speciesism, for me all are equal. Of this talk of animal rights, also I think that reprehensible and cruel the animal's death, and especially its abuse and exploitation for the sole purpose of producing food for humans.

I also believe in environmental damage, reducing species, for example if you did not know hunting of fish on vessels drag to more species of edible extinct annually five marine species.

Finally the production is on good food, hormones, fats, genetically modified food, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, is what I want for my life and my future children?

I note that a vegetarian diet leads to a correct diet, because if taken improperly, can cause anemia and deficiencies of B complex, Iron, calcium, protein, among others.

As freak data some famous people with this habit are: Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dalái Lama, Mahatma Gandhi , Morrisey and Chris Martin.

Reacts and Go Vegetarian!

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Edward Scissorshands

Hello! Today is a day to write about my favorite movie, Edward Scissorhands. Actually is not my favorite movie, because all movies of Tim Burton (my favorite film director) are great!, but is my movie with my favorite actor and director, then makes the best movie! To describe my favorite director, Tim Burton, I can say that is a director, producer, writer and designer. His films are characterized by the presence of imaginary worlds where they are present Gothic and dark, the protagonists are usually misfits and enigmatic, films as : Vincent, Frankenweenie, Great adventure Pee wee, Beetlejuice, Batman, Batman Returns, The nightmare before Christmas, Ed Wood, Batman Forever, Mars attack!, Sleepy Hollow, Planet of Apes, Big Fish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd, Alice in Wordeland and Edward Scissorshands. Most of the movies he works with his “Inspiring Muse”, Johnny Deep, an excellent and handsome actor, I love it! Edward Scissorshands is a movie released in 1990, and main idea of the movie is about an inventor that creating a character similar to a human, but he die before completing, to be Edward with Scissors hands, so passes the Edward´s Life until he meets a family where he will loves. I love this movie because the colors and textures, and designs of the places, characters and objects that showing are wonderful. Until romantic perspectiva of who loves deeply and sincerely, his innocence and simplicity of things, transform in one of my favorite movie, I confess that saw more than 25 times, learned some dialogues and if you tell me that you want to see, happily accepted! I hope you liked my publication. Greetings to everyone!

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Prevention improve quality of Life

Prevention as a topic is very important when working in a health career, because we speak of giving knowledge to the population for a healthy life. Health not only affects the individual who tried, but also involves an environment, family and community, and a learning we try to be common knowledge.

With prevention can prevent disease, timely diagnosis and make a more responsible sexual life, that is a topic that involves me 100% as a midwife.

Speaking of my career working primarily with preventive measures I can divide the groups as affecting and so create a better support program, then we have :

  • Individual Level: where health professionals, specifically I as a midwife, we give knowledge directly in the query, showing care, caution and care situations to women any stage of life, example, pregnant woman for to live a healthy pregnancy, sexually active women has the necessary information to avoid pregnancy or family planning and menopausal women know what to do and how to live the process.
  • Family Level: Help family planning, with conception strategies or contraceptive methods.
  • Community Level: Community health plans especially condom use for STI, promotion of diagnostic tests (mammograms and Pap) and and information on diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, etc. ..

Finally I think that as a midwife is in my hands to deliver the information tools, I only teach to use them people to inform, understand and use them, and so improve the quality of life for all.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

“Midwives is a woman's work”

War of gender is a topic of competition since ancient, starting for the macho culture, in phrases as "women the weaker sex", “Women should stay home and care for children”, and most important of this publication, “Midwives is a woman's work”. Today we are a society where jobs are for men and women equally. In my career of midwife are more men who decide to study this. I think that the benefits for a man to be a midwife are many because women who will consult, believe that they are Doctor, so that women would feel more confident. This the statistics show “women prefer to men to be server, specially in Gynecology area”. Gender only not affected to Midwifery, other example is the case of Nursing that as Midwifery, are career formed by women in most. But I think that the key to improving this rivalry is to accept that our colleagues have the same desire to help that we, is the health of people, is not a game, this is a really important.