martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

My Future as Midwife


Today is a day for talk about my future as midwife, is a cold day, ideal for reflexion.

I hope all the Heart finish the career and I can study my specialization that is Ginecology and Obstetrics for before, I go to working the south of Chile, and I can give health all people.

I like the south because my plans as midwife as also my ecologic idea and way of life that I want lead with my own feeding through my market garden, my ecology house, also transportation I will use.

My dream is to combine my work with my ideals, I want to work in primary health care because I can improve or help in improving public health, and if my hands, I do it.

For this time I hope to be with my life partner, my boyfriend, with whom I share the same thoughts, I hope I have found my add-in love and be happy with the man who decided to share my life.

I want a quiet life, love my job, form to family and feel that I contributed in my world.

I leave my mark and I feel useful.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Why Obstetrics?

My decision of study Obstetrics, honestly I was not my first choice, because I always thought study Medicine. But PSU score was not enough, of course I always wanted to study in Universidad de Chile, so with my score I look to career "similar" to the work of Doctor, and I went to study Obstetrics.
First year,
everything was a new world, that slowly satisfy my expectations. But now,that I´m in second year, I am sure that my role is to give life, to be in the developmental stages, teaching on sexuality to the community and live in all this process.
I think that is best decision I ever made, because every day
I understand that there is more comprehensive professional midwife, this career is making me happy and do not see myself doing anything else.
These two years the teachers that have taught us are are excellent, so it is difficult to say which had the greatest impact, but I remember my anthropology classes, I showed the career as a midwife from another point of view,to be a comprehensive professional. I showed the midwives in different cultures, talk about humanizing delivery and techniques in unconventional medicine. Great course!
Every day I feel that midwifery is my profession, I love the professional area of health and how I am forming.
I feel I can help most beautiful in the process of life is mine. I love my career!

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010 is my favorite career website.

This website is a link of a magazine that published every 15 days,is a magazine very popular and is a Chilean product.

In this site we can find much information of topic as: Pregancy, Be Parents, Fertility, Children, Healthy, Free Time, etc...

The sections are:

  • Pregancy: Refers to cares of conception to birth,pregnancy month to month, humanized delivery and frequently asked questions of mothers.

  • Children for Age: Orientation,development and cares of children in different stages of life.

  • Woman: How be woman and mother too.
  • Parents: Orientation for partern and also as parents.
  • Fertility: About problems of genetic,infertility and fertility, when and how to be mother.
  • Education: Stage of College and School Disorders.
These sections are some of PadresOk, also contains a forum for free questions with opinion of audience, a page of family outings for weekend,breaking news and online shop.
I visit this website periodically,because is a entertaining site also contains much information of common interest.
I hope that my favorite website you can visit!

Here is the Link :