jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Dr. Valenzuela Exposition

Hi! This week was short,but intense. Why I write blog now xD

Exposition of Dr. Valenzuela was easy to understand, because his English was very colloquial, as my level, of course the topic of presentation is controversial, complex and completely based on my criterio.

Dr Valenzuela showed us what is a Levonorgestrel, what is a contraceptive, the use, and with this, We can think if is abortive the pill or no.

Levonorgestrel is a component of contraceptives, some are mixed with estrogen and progesterone, also some pills only content these last. But Levonorgestrel is controversial for is used as Emergency Contraceptive, “day after pill” in Chile. This component then would be the cause of the non-pregnant because prevents pregnancy realized the sexual act, because it prevents sperm fertilizing the egg or prevents the migration of the fertilized egg and not implant, but ask when is considered person, from fertizilation?

I think that emergency contraceptive not is aborting, because the method of action that it has is before of that embryo developments.

Well, as I talk before,is a complex topic, that is influence for religion, race, science and moral of each person, and its breeding.

Dr. Valenzuela made an excellent presentation of a controversial topic, with an objective point of view, so that we could determine the condition of abortion or no.


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Vale, well as you say this is a very difficult topic. But is very important that as midwives, we must be informated about this methots, because many times we are going to talk about it to our patients.

    See you!!

    PS: I´m totally agree with you, this is a short but very hard week for us.

  2. Hi Valeria,

    I´m glad that the talk was so interesting and relevant to your studies. Definitely, it is necessary to be informed and discuss this topic. From your post it is clear that the talk helped you understand this issue better. Good!!

    Please don`t use white fonts, it`s difficult to read!!!
