jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Dr. Valenzuela Exposition

Hi! This week was short,but intense. Why I write blog now xD

Exposition of Dr. Valenzuela was easy to understand, because his English was very colloquial, as my level, of course the topic of presentation is controversial, complex and completely based on my criterio.

Dr Valenzuela showed us what is a Levonorgestrel, what is a contraceptive, the use, and with this, We can think if is abortive the pill or no.

Levonorgestrel is a component of contraceptives, some are mixed with estrogen and progesterone, also some pills only content these last. But Levonorgestrel is controversial for is used as Emergency Contraceptive, “day after pill” in Chile. This component then would be the cause of the non-pregnant because prevents pregnancy realized the sexual act, because it prevents sperm fertilizing the egg or prevents the migration of the fertilized egg and not implant, but ask when is considered person, from fertizilation?

I think that emergency contraceptive not is aborting, because the method of action that it has is before of that embryo developments.

Well, as I talk before,is a complex topic, that is influence for religion, race, science and moral of each person, and its breeding.

Dr. Valenzuela made an excellent presentation of a controversial topic, with an objective point of view, so that we could determine the condition of abortion or no.


sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010


Hi! Today is Saturday, the last day to publish my blog. But I’m happy because I’m Linares of 18 holidays, so now enjoy!

Tuesday, my course of English and me, saw the movie, SICKO, that is a documental about different health policies of the world (USA, Canada, France, England). Sincerely I think that the movie was very slow falling into the boring, but the content is very interesting.

SICKO is my first movie that I see full in English, so that there are things I did not understanding, because sometimes utilized technical terminology of laws or medical. So I speak the Health System in USA because is the most understood.

In USA, health is money, if the person have not money no assistance for it. In the movie showed many examples but I remember a man that he had to decide that finger operate because He had not money for both, the decision was for cheaper finger. Other situations was that persons very fat or very thin were reject to insurers, also a man that work in a supermarket to pay his medicines and he has insured. So that for all problems in health in USA the patients prefer traveling to Canada for search a treatment there.

And in England the Health System is free for all, and Doctors receiving benefits for serve more people.

I think that inequality is too much, MONEY EXCEEDS THE RAZON TO BE PERSON!!

Greetings, see you!