martes, 27 de abril de 2010

February 27 Earthquake

The memories of that day are distressing.
I was in a party with my friends, when quakes start, we did not understand anything, just ran to the door of the house.
In the house had a long hallway before reaching the door, which fell to pieces over our heads, Camilo (my friend) and I found out that was in pieces. Camilo jumped the rubble and when I tried to leave, a beam falls on my legs, trapping,my friend take of my arms and I could escape the cloud of dust and chunks of mud that was still falling.
He and I were bloody,same that horror movie, we walked the streets looking for help, there was no communication to talk to my parents, and anguish that I began my tachycardia, my friend had saved my life. Both ended up in hospital with four points after helping to grandparents in the nursing home.
I was in the south, so I was three days without light or agua.Everyone we heard the news on the car radio.

A horrible night for a country that never leave my memory and made me understand something very particular, and the fear I felt about losing my loved ones and my dependency of the technology ¬¬'.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Hi! My name is Valeria,I'm studing Obstetrics at the University of Chile and this is my blog,first blog.. My Objectives with this page,is to publish opinion,emotions and texts related with my career..Also I can say my opinion as professional of health and I can describe my world of work and I want to have with other health students,comment and discuss of any topic. Welcome everyone!