jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Last Post

Hiiiiii!!! How are you? This is a last post of year. This blog is free topic and I think dedicate to a website that is my favorite page, is very stupid and has a very acid humor this site is PORLAPUTA.COM

Well, PORLAPUTA is a website created by Chilean that upload to web videos, photos or links, with content very stupid, but for me is funny.

This website has 5 years online, and has been inspiration for other pages, the same stile as loserpower.com and quierocaca.tk, that I also visited frequently.

Best of this page is that anyone can upload material, but admin decide to publish.

In my opinion PORLAPUTA.COM sometimes uploading cruel things, that for me can be to bullying, because publish ugly people, deformities, strange animals and ridiculous videos, as well lovely photos, social critic, feature characters that his opinion.

But friends, I must warn this website is not for everyone, you must be a bit cruel or more than this, you must have a bizarre humor, although PORLAPUTA.COM bring out your bad side. I visited this page with more people, and minority liked. For this I warned.

This is a link: http://porlaputa.com/

As my last post, I wanted to say goodbye for this year, I wish them luck, happiness, health and love for your lives in the remainder of the year, anyone who read a post.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Kisses and hugs!

See you some day!

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Learning English

Learning English for anybody is easy, is a long process, that begin in the School, also, exist children that learn English since Kinder-Garden, all this for accustom to language.
In Chile English language is very important, because we are a community that talks Spanish, and today we need connect with other countries with a language base, understanding around the world as English.
Day a day increase the courses that teaching English and more people register for learning this language.

In my experience English language exist since that I am very little, in the School, started about 3rd of primary with easy words as learning things of house and nature, what time is it? and after to make sentences, and all with respect to grammar, so was until finished secondary school.

When I began to University, in first year English class was a elective, but in my second year English transformed in a necessity and is a obligatory course. All students, we make a test that decide our level. Personality, my level was started, the most basic, because never was excellent student of English xD.

But in the University for me, was great English, because the form that my teacher Claudia Trajtember teach is cool, is totally different to school, She always realized games for learning, never English was a tired class, because always I learn of entertain form, I can say that with this method was more easy learning English, because I relationed the language with real life and playing was more easy integrate, also talking permanently English, making sentences in the moment for answer the questions in the class, I finished for accustom my ear and my mouth and my English is more fluid.

I think that was a great experience, never I think that I would like English and that learn to speak “good”. I understand that English language is very important for my career for read paper or go to an exposition about of health as those always do at the University.Thanks to my Teacher Claudia, Guillermo and my classmates for this great experience.

See you!


martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Dr. Maldonado

Hello!! How are you? We are few weeks to finish the year (fear), but there are many things to do.

Few week ago, Dr. Pedro Maldonado exposed about myths and truth on the brain, I think that was excellent exposition, interesting and very clear.

Well, He talk about various topics that are insert in the community, as if is true that we only use a percentage of our brain, what happen in the sleep, the perceptions of reality also he showed optical illusions, and he explain de real behavior the human brain.

Brain is a part of our body, is very important together with heart, the function that realize is for all body, but deepening beyond the biological, the brain has a complex system, this wonderful organ save, remember, think, hear, look, talk, feel, the brain realize all function that permitted living to human.

With respect the myths, he denied all presented, but I remember most is that We do not learn if we listen sleep, because many people believe that if listen an audio sleeping can learn, because would be in the unconscious, but that they forget (as said Dr. Maldonado) is that sleeping, the senses as hear are minimized, then to understand any subject the stimulus must be strong, would have to be awake, I think is obvious, because we fall in the popular belief.

In my opinion was excellent exposition, Dr. Maldonado is an erudite in the topic, he could answer all our questions very clearly, perfect!

That is all friends! xD

See you!

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


Hello for all!
I have that write about stress, and these weeks have been stressful.
First, I will define what is the Stress? Stress is behaviors of human body that response a extern stimulus that disturb the balance of a person. Any behaviors can cause stress, although positive, for example childbirth, marriage and also negative as death of family, unemployment and study of test. Signs and symptoms of Stress affects all organs and body functions. The most common symptoms are: Depression, Anxiety (as poor appetite), headache, insomnia, skins changes, indigestion, sexual dysfunction and increased heart rate.
Persistence of this is necessary talk of doctor, for specialist help, because in more serious cases depressions cause death.
In my opinion, students live permanently in stress, the University demands so much time, between study of test, make works, all day in the University and time of travel to ours homes. The time, 24 hours not enough for family, friends, partner, me, sleep, eat, watch tv and distraction as go out.
Weekends for me are very short, because generally must be prepared the week.
This week all the days had something to study, and worst will not end until the semester ends, and there more stress for final test, definitely university live is terrible, death leaves all students!
My post is late because I don’t had time for write, so my apologies corresponding.
Greettings for all, and I hope my post not so painful.
The good news is that only two months more!

See ya!

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Dr. Valenzuela Exposition

Hi! This week was short,but intense. Why I write blog now xD

Exposition of Dr. Valenzuela was easy to understand, because his English was very colloquial, as my level, of course the topic of presentation is controversial, complex and completely based on my criterio.

Dr Valenzuela showed us what is a Levonorgestrel, what is a contraceptive, the use, and with this, We can think if is abortive the pill or no.

Levonorgestrel is a component of contraceptives, some are mixed with estrogen and progesterone, also some pills only content these last. But Levonorgestrel is controversial for is used as Emergency Contraceptive, “day after pill” in Chile. This component then would be the cause of the non-pregnant because prevents pregnancy realized the sexual act, because it prevents sperm fertilizing the egg or prevents the migration of the fertilized egg and not implant, but ask when is considered person, from fertizilation?

I think that emergency contraceptive not is aborting, because the method of action that it has is before of that embryo developments.

Well, as I talk before,is a complex topic, that is influence for religion, race, science and moral of each person, and its breeding.

Dr. Valenzuela made an excellent presentation of a controversial topic, with an objective point of view, so that we could determine the condition of abortion or no.


sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010


Hi! Today is Saturday, the last day to publish my blog. But I’m happy because I’m Linares of 18 holidays, so now enjoy!

Tuesday, my course of English and me, saw the movie, SICKO, that is a documental about different health policies of the world (USA, Canada, France, England). Sincerely I think that the movie was very slow falling into the boring, but the content is very interesting.

SICKO is my first movie that I see full in English, so that there are things I did not understanding, because sometimes utilized technical terminology of laws or medical. So I speak the Health System in USA because is the most understood.

In USA, health is money, if the person have not money no assistance for it. In the movie showed many examples but I remember a man that he had to decide that finger operate because He had not money for both, the decision was for cheaper finger. Other situations was that persons very fat or very thin were reject to insurers, also a man that work in a supermarket to pay his medicines and he has insured. So that for all problems in health in USA the patients prefer traveling to Canada for search a treatment there.

And in England the Health System is free for all, and Doctors receiving benefits for serve more people.

I think that inequality is too much, MONEY EXCEEDS THE RAZON TO BE PERSON!!

Greetings, see you!